Monday, November 1, 2010


Nothing is real, nothing is stable on this earth. Life is like a spark produced by the friction wood, no body knows whither it comes and whence it goes. MAHATMA GANDHI
he word success is used in a vague sense. 
Success is attainment of desired goals The question is, whether the set goal is attainable or not. Whether one's principles are in concurrence with the established classic principles or not.
Then, what a success itself is? It is again the desire for name, fame, money, power etc. Attempts to attain these goals and attaining success makes one digress from the classic principles. 
The tenure of life on this earth itself is momentary so no worldly success has any meaning. The only thing that can be permanent is the service that a human being can render to other creatures and the nature without having a thought for gaining any thing in return, even a name or fame. Life's meaning is in achieving this success only because this can not be done by any creature, devils or deities. We, as human beings are only capable of doing this.
 Om Shrivastava, 09 Oct 12:44 pm

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